Homihelp Live Chat Widget:- HOMI Token Reward Announcement and Details.
Welcome once again,
As you are aware with the successful launching of Homihelp Live Chat Widget. we thanks our community again for love and support.
Today we will Discuss the Reward Program associated with Homihelp Live chat and we will understand the meaning of this line. “ Make your website earn for you”.
Homihelp Live Chat Sign up Reward:-
When you (as a company or individual, having website or blog) sign up for Homihelp Live chat you are eligible for rewards in form of HOMI Tokens.
At present only FREE Plan is active in Beta Launch. Plan features can be seen on www.homihelp.com/pricing page.
Once you sign up for Homihelp free plan and integrate ( Installation guide can be seen here ) Live chat widget in your website, you are eligible for Monthly HOMI Token rewards.
In Free Plan guidelines and rules:-
(i) You will receive 10 HOMI Token every month if you have Integrated Homihelp Live chat widget on your website. ( 10 HOMI = $60 approx. at the time of writing)
(ii) You can redeem tokens after 12 months of continuous use of Live chat widget.
(iii) HOMI Token credit can be seen in your dashboard
(iv) In case you remove chat widget from website, you have only 3 days to integrate again. Other wise, after 4th day your Token rewards(if any), will be deleted. But you can continue to use Live chat to support and engage with your customers.
(v) After 12 months of continuous use, you will receive tokens in Ethereum Address you submitted on registration.
(vi) Reward amount can be increased or decreased as per decision of management. So that every associated business or person can get fair share of reward if price fluctuates.
Separate announcement will be done for Paid Plan launch, User referral rewards, Holder rewards and their details. Stay Tuned. A lot more announcements are coming.